My Short Film

A few years ago, I had one of those great mysterious meant to be experiences.

Film Queensland was looking to give regional writers a break and had put ads in the paper encouraging those writers outside of the metropolitan area to enter into a short film development program. In short, you send them your undeveloped script and they select five winners with the aim of seeing them through to production.

It was weird. It seemed like every person I met over a period of about a month had seen this small advert and thought of me! I must have had twenty people say to me, 'Hey, I saw this thing looking for film scripts and I thought of you!'

I couldn't come up with a script though.

Then my friend told about something that had happened to her and her son and I said to her, 'You know, that would make a great film.'

So, I wrote it up. I sent it off. They liked it and the rest is history. Not very interesting history to most people, I agree, but history none-the-less!

Heather Phillips produced MOA and the director was Priscilla Cameron.